As sailing has progressed, so have the safety measures around it. Those who enjoy time on their yacht need only to literally take on board some of sailings greatest safety innovations, from RTEs to sea-anchors, to make their safety and wellbeing a priority.

Here are 10 such measures which can save lives at sea – each in their own way:

AIS AIS stands for Automatic Identification System– and is a shipborne transponder which is used in commercial shipping. The information broadcast and received helps monitor shipping traffic over 300 tonnes. AIS-enabled vessels will receive information about the size, type, speed and position of other moving ships with AIS every 2 to 10 seconds. Personal AIS beacons are also available, and activate if the person wearing it falls overboard.  It took marine safety to an even greater level than GPS, which was made publicly available by President Clinton in 1996.

Radar Making its mark in history with its introduction during World War turmoil, Radar is undergoing a modern-day overhaul as Navico introduce Broadband to its capabilities. This souped-up version takes its inspiration from aircraft radars, which are able to measure height when coming into land. It means an instant start-up, less power, and the capability to detect objects within 10 meters without the interference of microwaves.

RTE RTE stands for Radar Target Enhancers, which are also known as Radar Reflectors. These do pretty much what you expect – bouncing back a radar signal from another vessel so that you show up more consistently and of a greater size. If you’re a smaller vessel in low visibility, this is how you’re going to be seen in a shipping lane.

VHF radio Invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1896, the VHF radio allowed ship-to-shore communication, where previously vessels in distress would have had to hope they had sight of land or another ship. After the Titanic tragedy, VHF became an essential on large ships. The ill-fated British passenger ship had been fitted with a Marconi radio, but this had primarily used to transmit and receive passenger messages and news reports, and warnings of icebergs from nearby vessel the Californian 15 minutes before the collision went unheeded.

GMDSS Developed through the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) enhanced existing marine communications by creating a more effective distress alarm system. DSCs, EPIRBs, SARTs and Satellite Communications feature within this modernised system, which is designed to increase the chances that an alert is sent and received, improve rescue communication, make survivors easier to find and provide skippers with vital safety information.

Automatic lifejacket Replacing bulky, restrictive jackets that may be eschewed when they’re most needed so as not to limit mobility, the self-inflating life jacket is small and durable, even those with up to 275N of flotation. It is life-saving gear in the event that someone falls overboard when unconscious, and can be re-used by replacing the inflation canister.

Automatic liferaft Transom-mounted with a hydrostatic release, an automatic liferaft buys you live-saving minutes which may otherwise be spent getting it into position. On a sinking yacht, even getting to the raft from the cockpit locker could be a life or death struggle.

Tether A simple but vital piece of onboard equipment, a tether can keep you on board in a storm when your weary arms are failing you. The best models have three self-locking stainless steel hooks which can be operated with one hand. The stitching on any harness should be regularly checked to ensure it’s still up to the task of keeping you on board in stormy seas.

Sea anchor If a typical anchor is the handbrake of a car, a sea anchor is more of a peddle brake. It resembles more of a windsock than an anchor, and aptly is also known as a drift sock, para-anchor or boat brake. When out at sea in difficult weather and water too deep to anchor to the sand, a sea anchor works at a shallower depth by increasing the drag of the boat against the water, causing the boat to “break”. It won’t keep the vessel from straying altogether, but the drift will be greatly reduced.

Gas alarm In January 2014, two men were found dead on their boat in Whitby. After using an ageing butane gas cooker to warn themselves, Mark Arries and Edward Ide were poisoned with carbon monoxide. A gas alarm is the simplest of devices that could have the greatest of impact, not just by preventing asphyxiation, but also a gas related explosion or a fire.

If you want to find out more about how yacht insurance can cover you and your boats for accidents at sea, get in touch with one of our friendly and helpful brokers.


A survey carried out by the World Shipping Council shows that an average of 1,390 shipping containershas been lost at sea each year for the past three years. This figure represents a 48% reduction in average annual loss for the previous three years. While this is encouraging, it’s representative of the fact that there was not a repeat of the catastrophic losses from previous years. The MOL Comfort lost all 4,293 containers when it sank in the Indian Ocean in 2011. This was followed by the loss of 900 containers from the MV Rena when it ran aground off the Coast of New Zealand a few months later. Take these disasters out of the equation and the yearly loss is much lower, and shows a downward trend. By these calculations, the years between 2011 – 2013 average at 733 units lost each year. By comparison, recent years level out at 612, a reduction of 16%. The tragic sinking of American cargo ship in 2015 which resulted in the death of 33 crew members accounted for 43% of total containers lost that year. The most recent figures account for the years 2014, 2015 and 2016. What is now regarded as the most reliable source on the subject, the WSC started the surveys to dispel what they describe as ‘wildly inaccurate’ claims that the industry lost up to 10,000 shipping containers at sea each year. John Butler, CEO and President of WSC reflected on the figures and their implications, "Although the number of containers lost at sea represents a very small fraction of the number of containers carried on ships each year, the industry continuously strives to reduce those losses. The latest report shows that the average number of containers estimated to be lost each year is down from the estimates reported in 2014. This is an encouraging sign." Aside fromt the damage implications to the vessel in instances of lost containers, there are repercussions from suppliers and customers to contend with. Marine cargo insurance can help you manage your liabilities arising from a loss in one package. Contact Safeguard on 08456 888 284 or email sales@safeguardinsurance.co.uk


The water, nutrients and hydrocarbons found in biofuels provide a feast for microbial bacteria, fungi and algae that can make their way into your boat’s fuel tank. Diesel Bug is the collective term given to these organisms, which relies on the water within the fuel to survive. Reproducing at a rapid rate at any temperature between 5-70°C, and thriving at around 30°C. Over 100 types of these microbes have been identified, and in their short life span they continue the cycle through reproduction, and create waste. As if they don’t cause enough pandemonium when they’re alive, when diesel bugs die they sink to the bottom of the tank, collectively creating a destructive sludge which blocks filters and injectors when sucked into the fuel lines, causing engine failure. The bill for the damage can be anything from £400-£3000, depending on whether just the injectors or worse, the fuel pump need replacing. Environmental concerns and cheaper production of bio fuel means the specified ration of bio content is expected only to rise from the current 7%, with some companies already selling biofuels with percentages from 20-100%. So how can you prevent these contaminants from making their way into your fuel tank? Know the signs Unfortunately, one of the biggest indications that your fuel is contaminated is when your engine stops. Otherwise a smoky exhaust, sluggish responses, and trouble starting the engine can all be early warning signs. Test or dispose Biofuels have a shelf life, and by exceeding it you’re opening your boat up to problems. Disposing of fuel on a smaller boat at the end of the season may be a more economical option that having to replace engine parts. Samples taken from the fuel tanks of larger boats can be sent to a lab to check whether there’s contamination before the compromised fuel has the chance to do any damage. Avoid air pockets Aeroplanes have their fuel tanks filled to capacity when on the tarmac to avoid air pockets which, teamed with water condensation, can be an inviting environment for diesel bugs.Keeping your tank fuel can keep the bugs at bay, while letting heaters run – as many skippers do while away – will not only create space for microbes, but also give them an ideal growth conditions due to the heat fluctuations caused by heaters being turned on and off. Treating a bug Some biocides or enzymes can stop bug growth, but not kill it. ‘Diesel polishing’ – the process by where water and impurities including the bug are removed from the fuel can offer a solution, and in severe cases a ‘shock’ treatment may be used, where the bug is killed with chemicals, then removed from the tank before the filters are changed.  


In their annual review, the government’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has revealed that that 2016 saw more accidents than the previous year. Of the 1190 casualties and incidents in coastal waters last year, 719 involved actual or potential casualties to the vessels. 1310 vessels were reportedly involved, of which only 42 were non-commercial vessels. There were 22 deaths associated with recreational vessels and eight losses of life on fishing boats. On 9 April fishermen, Martin Johnstone, Chris Morrison and Paul Alliston died when the fishing vessel Louisa sank at anchor off the Isle of Mingulay, Outer Hebrides – the largest loss of life from a single fishing boat in several years. Carbon monoxide poisoning accounted for a number of deaths on recreational crafts, including Alan Frost, 64, his partner Tina Wilkins, 51 and the couple’s dog on board their motor cruiser, Love for Lydia on Wroxham Broad, Norfolk on 9th June last year. Loss of control and grounding was the primary reason for accidents involving merchant vessels less than 100gt. Meanwhile, there were no UK merchant vessels over 100gt lost in 2016 for the seventh year running. Marine insurance can cover a range of vessels and their uses. Speak to Safeguard to discuss your options. Call 08456 888 284  or email sales@safeguardinsurance.co.uk.