From fleets of small wind-powered drones to computer-controlled cargo ships, automated vessels are undoubtedly on their way. Shipbuilders are following in the footsteps of car manufacturers to develop automatic, unmanned ships. Some vessels already use navigation assistance and, in the same way cars use lane control and automatic parking, they could be retrofitted to get even more robotic control. A Norwegian company is already planning to introduce autonomous ferries in 2018, and earlier this year the US launched its first self-driving warship. Recently Rolls Royce unveiled a concept for a completely computer-controlled, unmanned cargo ship. Oskar Levander, Vice-President of Marine Innovation at Rolls-Royce, outlined the concept at the Autonomous Ship Technology Symposium in Amsterdam, saying: “This is happening. It’s not if, it’s when. The technologies needed to make remote and autonomous ships a reality exist.”   What will they look like? Rolls Royce’s whitepaper sets out a vision for a “lean and efficient” cargo vessel which would be a hybrid of self-driving and remotely operated, reducing or eliminating the need for a crew. An onboard computer would control the ship, and as it enters a port it could be controlled remotely by a “captain” stationed at a shore command centre, who could be overseeing up to 100 ships – or crew members could sail out and board.   What are the advantages to a crewless cargo ship? Less space taken up by crew quarters = more cargo Eliminating the quarters, mess, food supplies and other features built for humans means a lot of extra space, which could be filled with more cargo. This benefits businesses by transporting a higher volume of goods as well as cutting current timelines. Designers can rethink weight distribution  Traditional ships have a lot of weight in the stern due to the bridge, which means the buoyant centre usually has to be weighted down by heavy ballast – often in the form of superfluous water. This design flaw would be eliminated by the removal of manual controls, meaning weight can be redistributed, and less ballast required. Reduced electrical consumption Paring back all the systems which are currently required will have a significant effect on energy usage. Levander says: “When we add this all together, the reduced electrical consumption when we take out systems, the lower weight of the vessel, the lower wind resistance, we talk about a 10 to 15 percent fuel saving for a typical cargo vessel.”   What are the potential problems? There’ll be no crew on hand to carry out repairs With nobody aboard, manual repairs would be impossible. Crewless vessels may be fitted with small drones as well as sensors which relay information, but ships will need to be primarily built for reliability, with a focus on minimising maintenance. For example, engines may be built with two or four propellers instead of the usual one, while liquefied natural gas could be used instead of diesel as it requires no pumps or fuel injectors to run. Regulation doesn’t exist yet The regulatory landscape hasn’t yet caught up with self-driving vessels, both technically and legally. Most maritime accidents are caused by operator error or fatigue, so automation could improve safety, but regulatory bodies are likely to require proof of satisfactory safety features. Computer controls have the potential to be hacked Levander warns that remotely controlled operating systems could, in theory, be hijacked by hackers. Pirates could take control of the ship to steal cargo for ransom, crash ships on purpose or change a boat’s operational actions to cause severe disruption. Clearly, some regulatory and security risks must be addressed before self-driving boats become de rigueur in the marine industry. But as the EU grants funding of $4 million to develop the concept, the future of autonomous vessels certainly seems to be in reach.


It’s reported that over 1200 shipping containers are lost in transit every year. But at just 0.01% of around the 120 million containers that are carted around the world each year, this figure is an insignificant amount as far as the shipping industry is concerned.

Charging through storms to meet tight deadlines, aging containers and unreliable bracing systems are some of the factors that are blamed, and while no sleep may be lost over losing a container, it’s potential to cause damage is of greater concern – either through environmental damage or a collision.

‘Lost containers are not a widespread problem,’ said John Fossey, editorial director of Containerisation International ‘but of course it’s tragic when a yachtsman hits one.’

And his concerns are well founded.

In September 2005 Moquini, a 42ft yacht with six crew members went missing during the Mauritius to Durban yacht race. The vessel was found four months later, upturned some 500 miles off the SW coast of South Africa. Yacht designer Alex Simonis believed that the damage to the keel was caused by a container. All six crew members were presumed drowned.

Three years previously Martin Taylor was steady away at 6 knots 20 miles out from the Isle of White when his boat, Lycaena, hit an object and sank. Taylor survived to describe the incident whereby his vessel, ‘stopped dead, slewed over and lay on top of this thing, whatever it was’.

These are just two examples of what seems to be an all-too familiar story, with some well-travelled routes become notorious for perilous debris in the form of shipping containers.

Measures to lower the risk have been suggested, then ruled out. Dissolvable door seals was one discarded idea, as the containers needed to withstand the sea spray from the journey, while companies wanted their containers to be painted in their corporate colours, rather than a fluorescent paint which would make them more visible.

It has taken the threat of terrorism to create of much needed focus on containers within the shipping industry. In light of concerns around ‘dirty bombs’ – conventional explosives combined with nuclear waste – the shipping industry is looking into radio tagging containers. While this may seem like the perfect solution to account for potentially dangerous 2-tonne metal box, these trackers are only being considered for the road and rail journey, not in the sea.

It can only be hoped that lost containers will, at some point be addressed for the dangers they present as hidden and untraceable obstructions of the open sea, rather than just an insignificant amount of lost cargo.


Though drills are usually overseen by experienced, qualified seamen, it is imperative that the correct training is given to supervisers on each system and the particular equipment in place aboard a vessel, explained Captain Velankar. Crew who are experienced aboard one ship may not necessarily be familiar with another setup. Maintenance is also key to reducing the chance of accident and injury. The poor maintenance of cables and equipment, whether as a knock-on result of untrained personal or caused by time restrictions and corner-cutting, should not be overlooked. Whether aboard a cruise ship, chartered yacht or freight vessel, it is imperative that safety measures are adhered to and the correct protection is in place, including specially designed marine insurance. Talk to Safeguard Insurance for more information on protecting your crew.